WWW Construction was registered as a specialist contractor in the categories of foundation, site formation and demolition and as general building contractor with the Buildings Department in Hong Kong. The quality management system of WWW Construction for design and construction of mini pile, steel H-pile and pile cap was accredited with ISO 9001:2000
We have expanded the scope of service to include general building works
WWW Construction’s status under the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works has been upgraded to Group II under the ‘‘Land Piling’’ category for the ‘‘Minipile’’ piling system
The quality management system of WWW Construction for the design and construction of mini pile, rock-socketed steel H-pile in pre-bored hole, steel H-pile and pile cap, construction of precast prestressed tubular piles was accredited with ISO9001:2008. Smart City Engineering Limited was registered on the list of registered subcontractor with the Construction Industry Council (建造業議會) with trade specialty in foundation, demolition and other general civil works
WWW Construction’s status under Group II of the Land Piling category in the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works has been extended to include the ‘‘Rock-socketed Steel H-pile in Pre-bored Hole’’ piling system We were awarded a contract to carry out foundation works and ancillary services and general building works for a proposed hotel development project in Saipan
WWW Construction’s status under Group II of the Land Piling category in the Listed Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works has been extended to include the ‘‘Steel H-Pile’’ piling system
Listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on the 17 July 2017
On June 14, 2019, the main board listed company of CT Vision changed its name to "CT Vision (International) Holdings Limited (0994. HK)", and the listed company officially ushered in the all-round development of its business!
On 25th January 2019, CT Vision has acquired approximately 51% of the listed company's outstanding shares.
On December 8, 2020, CT Vision has been awarded the "Outstanding Listed Companies Award 2020" in the selection of “The Hong Kong Institute of Financial Analysts and Professional Commentators Limited- Annual Outstanding Listed Companies" held by The Hong Kong Institute of Financial Analysts and Professional Commentators Limited and Metro Finance.
On March 25, 2021,the name of the Company change from “CT Vision (International) Holdings Limited” to “CT Vision S.L. (International) Holdings Limited”, stock code of the Company remains unchanged as “994”.